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What's this wiki for?[edit]

This wiki is created for operating other wikis. As the meta wiki of all other Xens wikis, this wiki is the place for discussing non-content-related topics related to other wikis, such as site configuration update, administrators appointments and removals, and requests to global administrators, stewards and staffs.

My private information is leaked by someone here.[edit]

Please contact us. Do NOT post your requests on the community portal or somewhere else public.

I found someone spamming/abusing here.[edit]

Please try to undo related revisions. You can see the undo button on history page. Then, please report it to the community portal or contact us.

Site operations[edit]

Configuration change[edit]

If you would like to change the configurations of a wiki, please discuss with the community first (if there is an active community) and then create a request on the community portal.

If there is no active community on that wiki, please request directly on the community portal.

User groups change[edit]

If there is an active community, please discuss there first. In other cases, please contact local bureaucrats for help. To check lists of all bureaucrats, open Special:ListUsers/bureaucrat page on the wiki you wanted. If they do not reply, please request on the community portal on meta wiki.

Promotes for sysops can be done locally by local bureaucrats.

New wiki[edit]

To request for a new wiki, please create a request on the community portal explaining why you need a wiki and wait for response.

We are operating these wikis for free, without a stable fund source. Therefore, our services may be interrupted on occasion.

We will contact your later and ask for more details. Please also note that our requirements is much more higher than other hosting platforms such as Miraheze.

You can also setup your own wiki by yourself. Refer to MediaWiki.